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Tuition starting at $90 - $300 (early bird special) for the entire four weeks and must be paid in full by June 15, 2021. No refunds or exchanges.
Program hours are from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. CDT, Monday through Friday. Due to COVID-19, virtual summer program will be held virtually via Zoom with unlimited access to available classes (space is limited per session).
Fun, interactive, live cultural immersion sessions this summer will transport your students abroad without leaving home!
They will learn about Spanish, French, Mandarin, Japanese, Korean, German and ASL cultures from Online Global Classroom’s engaging instructors. Connection will be provided through video conference for live lessons. Choose one of the cultures or explore them all! Culture Camp is recommended for students ages 11-18.
Get live access to all 7 immersive cultural language experiences. Students can choose from 14 sessions each week from one to four weeks. Summer program membership provides weekly access to enjoy unlimited classes up to month (i.e. signup for only Japanese lessons each week or take weekly cultural lessons in all of the 7 languages offered).
1, 2 or 4 weeks (July 12 - Aug 6, 2021).
Each class is 45 minutes.
Project-based and interactive sessions.
Enroll by June 30, 2021, to reserve your spot.
Recommended ages 11-18.
Enter contest for free classes by June 15th!
Experience the world this summer without leaving your home!
Students can attend any or all language sessions.
Summer Program is taught in English with opportunities to use the target language.
No experience in the language is needed to join!
No homework or outside study required. Just have fun, participate and join other teens online who are interested in languages and cultures!